Tuesday, December 30, 2014
- - [3] Cards Against Humanity | 10 Days or Whatever of Kwanzaa | Day 3 Review - -
Hey guys! I hope you are all having a lovely holiday season!
Today I have for you the Day 3 envelope from Cards Against Humanity's holiday event, the 10 Days or Whatever of Kwanzaa.
Here's the rundown of this year's Holiday Bulls--t campaign - you pay Cards Against Humanity $15 (Canadians pay $25) and get sent 10 little mystery gifts for the "10 days or whatever of Kwanzaa." In addition to getting some interesting gifts, there is also a hidden puzzle somewhere amidst the gifts for which there is some sort of wonderful prize. You can follow along with the progress of the puzzle with CAH here.
Let's take a look at envelope #3 right after the jump...
Monday, December 22, 2014
- - Memebox | Special #52: Wonderful Treasure Finds (WTF) Review - -
I've gotten a few Memeboxes since my last Memebox (pronounced as "Me-me-box") review, but it's only now that I actually have the time to sit down for a few hours and tell you guys about one box I've been particularly excited about.
For those of you who aren't familiar with it, Memebox is an online Korean beauty retailer that in addition to carrying their own product line as well as ones from other brands, offers boxes curated around different themes. The great thing about these curated Memeboxes is that you get to discover a vast variety of Korean beauty products. After the shipping fee most boxes go for about $20-$30 (look at the end of this post for discount codes!).
It was in November that Memebox released their Special #52 box titled Wonderful Treasure Finds or WTF for short. The box cost $23.00 (US) with a shipping fee of $6.99. I used a $5 off coupon so my grand total was about $24.99.
Read more after the jump...
Thursday, December 18, 2014
- - [2] Cards Against Humanity | 10 Days or Whatever of Kwanzaa | Day 2 Review - -
A few days ago I finally got a chance to take photos of and open up the second 10 Days or Whatever of Kwanzaa envelope from Cards Against Humanity. If you missed the contents of Day One - you can check those out here.
Here's a quick rundown of what this year's Holiday Bulls--t campaign is all about - you hand over $15 (Canadians fork over $25) to Cards Against Humanity and get sent 10 little mystery gifts for the "10 days or whatever of Kwanzaa." There is also some sort of difficult puzzle that's hidden amidst these gifts, which I know a lot of you are trying to figure out judging by the Google searches you guys use to end up on my pages. I'm not sure how helpful it is, but you can actually follow along the progress of the puzzle on the official CAH website for the puzzle.
After checking out last year's reviews, I thought that the second envelope would contain a small pack of CAH cards (for the record, the envelope seemed bulky enough to contain a pack) which were prominent in last year's envelopes. Nope, no such luck. The contents of the second envelope were much more unexpected.
People who get offended easily...um, beware. No, seriously.
Let's take a look after the jump.
Monday, December 08, 2014
- - Canadian Living | An Evening With Jodi Picoult+Goodie Bag Review - -
Just before I went on vacation about a month ago, my best friend Thamina asked me if I had seen the Jodi Picoult event that was being advertised in one of those little side panels on Facebook. I don't usually pay attention to those (I guess I will now, haha!), but hearing the name, Jodi Picoult, sparked my interest instantly.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Jodi Picoult, she is the author of 23 novels - the most well-known of which is probably My Sister's Keeper. She has been my favourite author since 2008, which is when I came across one of her novels - Nineteen Minutes. I'm sure you can just imagine how excited I was!
I'll tell you more after the jump!
Friday, December 05, 2014
- - [1] Cards Against Humanity | 10 Days or Whatever of Kwanzaa | Day 1 Review - -

The campaign concept is simple - you hand over $15 ($25 for Canadians) to CAH and get sent 10 little mystery gifts for the "10 days or whatever of Kwanzaa." I didn't participate last year, but I did check out the reviews that were available online and seeing how cool and unique the little gifts were, I decided to sign up. I also signed up Andrew for this so that we could do something different this year.
Read more after the jump!
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