Tuesday, February 25, 2014

- - Mystery Tackle Box | February 2014 Review - -

Hi everyone!

A little while ago I mentioned that there were a few subs I stumbled upon while searching for a gift for Andrew. One of these was the Mystery Tackle box. So in January I decided to give it a try and subscribe for a month. I was able to get my first box for only $4.99 (regular is $15) after using the code GET499. I am in no way a fishing buff, so I can't really comment on the products we received in this box, but I did notice that Andrew was really excited about this subscription - dare I say, even more so than the Loot Crate! 

To check out the products in our first Mystery Tackle Box, please read further after the jump...

What is the Mystery Tackle Box?
This is a monthly subscription service that provides you with quality fishing lures and and tackle. On average, every box contains 3-4 products that have been selected by product specialists (experienced fishermen) and that hold a value of at least $15. 

Frequency: monthly
Subscription plans: monthly = $15 (US)
                                            3 months = $14.50/month
                                            6 months = $14.25/month
                                            12 months = $13.75/month
Ships to: U.S. & Canada
Shipping cost: FREE
Shipping date: 10th of every month
Other: easy cancellation at any time
Promo code: use code GET499 to get your first box for $4.99

Alright, so I can't really comment on each product to tell you if it's good or not, but I will tell you this - the product card that came with this box really impressed me! In fact, out of all the subscriptions I have, this was basically the most helpful product card I have seen thus far. Several key features of the card:

- - picture of each product that you receive (colour may vary)
- - short description of each product
- - the cost and the quantity of a pack that you could purchase at a store
- - notes how many of each item you received in the box
- - includes the official website for each of the products
- - a link to where you can read review and learn more about the contents of your box (for example, this is the link for the February box)

* Prices are in U.S. dollars *

1 | Crawfish Squarebill - Crankbait (LIVETARGET)
      (Retail: $14.49)
      (Link to product)

"This incredibly detailed crawfish imitation will create a ruckus while bounding over bottom structure in the shallows!"

2 | KB Swimbait - Largemouth Bass (Reaction Strike)
       (In box: 1 pack for $9.99 | Retail: $19.98 for 2 pack)
       (Link to product)

"Hunt the big boys with this very realistic swimbait. See the MTB product webpage for detailed rigging instructions!"

 3 | LizardZ - Pumpkin/Chartreuse Tail (Z-Man)
       (In box: 4 pack for $3.66  | Retail: $5.49 for 6 pack)
       (Link to product)

"A smooth body style, curly tail, and natural-swimming legs converge to make the LizardZ as enticing as they are versatile!"

The product card got this one wrong - there are actually 4 of these guys in our pack, not 3.

4 | 4'' Shad Tail Minnow - Chartreuse (Big Bite Baits)
       (In box: 3 pack for $1.59  | Retail: $5.29 for 10 pack)
       (Link to product)

"With its dorsal and rectal fins, this baitfish imitation has a spot on side proile. Add a tantalizing boot tail and we've got a winner!"

5 | 7316 Wide Gap Hook 5/0 (VMC Hooks)
      (In box: 2 pack for $0.87  | Retail: $3.49 for 8 pack)
      (Link to product)

"VMC's 7316 wide gaps hook is forged from extremely tough, lightweight Vanadium Steel and perfect for rigging soft plastics!"

Bonus Items | Stickers & Offers

Offers included with this month's box.


This was a really interesting subscription. After using the promo code GET499, I was able to get this box for only $4.99, which is amazing considering that the contents of this month's box added up to $30.93 in value. Despite being completely clueless when it comes to fishing, I did really like the product card that came with this box. It includes a wealth of information about the contents of your box.
Having said that, this subscription is really meant for a specific kind of person - one who loves fishing. Luckily for me, fishing is one of Andrew's favourite activities in the summertime. There have been so many times when Andrew and I stop by a store that sells fishing equipment and Andrew will just get lost in examining the various hooks, fishing rods, and baits. I've noticed that one of the things that stops him from buying fishing tools is the price. Therefore, I think that the mystery tackle box is a perfect way of obtaining baits, lures, and tackle without breaking the bank.

To control all of my subs, I've suspended this subscription for the time being. But I'm sure that either I will activate it again or Andrew will pick up this subscription soon.

If you'd like to sign up for the Mystery Tackle Box, you can do so here.

What do you think of this subscription? Let me know in the comments below!

Thank you for reading! -A.~